Letter From the President
Dear Friends of Global Gospel Books,
In recently reviewing titles of Christian books on the Crossway Publishers web site, I jotted down these 20 titles and the two reference books as ideal books for GGB to send overseas in addition to Bibles.. If anyone would like to make a contribution for purchasing these books, Crossway is offering GGB a very deep discount. Please give me a call if interested in contributing. God’s best to you all.
- Ten Questions Every Teen Should Know about Christianity
- 25 Basic Bible Studies — Francis Schaffer
- 50 Crucial Questions — Piper
- A Merciful and Faithful High Priest — Lloyd-Jones
- Am I Called to Ministry — Wheeler
- Am I Really a Christian — McKinley
- An Introduction to the Greek New Testament — Tyndale House
- Apologetics for the 21st Century — Markos
- A Quest for Godliness — Packer
- Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood — Grudem
- Christian Worldview — Ryken
- Defending Your Faith — Sproul
- Discovering Jesus — Alexander
- Don’t Waste Your Life — Piper
- Engaging with the Holy Spirit — Cole
- Evangelism — Stiles
- Experiencing the Trinity — Thorn
- Expositional Preaching — Helm
- Family Discipleship —
- Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die — Piper
2 expensive reference books:
- A Biblical Theological Intro. to the New Testament — Kruger
- A Biblical Theological Intro. to the Old Testament — Van Pelt
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