Global Gospel Books

For over half a century Global Gospel Books, formerly ICLD, has given new life to used and extra gospel literature by shipping it to overseas believers who cannot obtain it on their own.

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Who We Are

Started by men whose hearts were moved to share America’s surplus of gospel literature with those who have none.

Help Us Send the Word

We’d be delighted to have you partner with us in doing God’s work.

Receive Free Literature

Perhaps you are a pastor, teacher or Christian leader. You need Bibles, reference books, training materials…

Seeds GGB Has Sown

Only our Lord knows the full impact made by the countless tons of literature Global Gospel Books (ICLD) has shipped over the years. We catch a glimpse through the regular stream of thank you letters from around the world, and through the many follow up requests from previous recipients. A Global Gospel Books distinctive is that we fulfill one at a time requests from an individual Christian worker. So, we know what we send is exactly what they need, and that it will be used. Even though GGB has scattered a great amount of seed throughout its history, our quality over quantity approach means that each seed has an excellent chance to bear eternal fruit.

What We’ve Done

  • 6 decades of continuous service
  • Over 100,000 boxes of literature shipped
  • Over 100 countries served since 1961
  • Church libraries furnished
  • Seminaries equipped
  • Pastors’ studies stocked
  • Sunday school booklets in use
  • Evangelistic materials handed out
  • Christian books provided to prisoners
  • Bibles available in the home
  • Boxes of donated books coming in every week
  • Hundreds of faithful financial supporters
  • Tens of thousands of volunteer hours invested

From Cameroon, Africa

We are thrilled to share that 21 souls have accepted Christ through these precious books and magazines.

From Hyderabad, India

I am Hindi. I read of Jesus Christ first time in your Decision magazine. Send more so I can know more of Bible.

From Ghana, Africa

We want to teach God’s Word but – many of Pastors and leaders do not have Bibles – please, to help us! Please send Bibles.